Developing a landing page to bridge the gap

User Research・UI Design

Makuake is a leading crowdfunding platform in Japan. I worked to create a landing page on the website, resulting in improving the retention rate of new users.


User research showed that new users were disappointed by expecting a shopping experience similar to regular e-commerce. Since the original TV commercial was on the horizon, we were sure the number of new visitors would increase dramatically. We need to improve the retention rate of new users.As for a solution, we created a landing website to properly inform new users that Makuake is not the same as an e-commerce site for purchasing existing products but rather a place to support the development of products that have never existed in the world.


Design Owner (Full-time)


Landing page


Jan, 2020 - Feb, 2020 (2 months)


Product Manager, Web Engineer, Marketing Lead, PR Lead

Final Design
Discover 🔍
User research was essential. I gathered all available data from the end users in an effort to understand their challenges and how we could reduce them.
I interviewed 9 users whose NPS is 1-3 out of 5. I posed the following questions to them.
・Please explain your views toward purchasing.
・What were the factors for you to choose Makuake first?
・Demonstrate to me how you typically use Makuake.

Then, I created an empathy map for each user to allow us to efficiently and quickly analyze users' behavior and emotions at a glance.
I found that there is a gap between the expectations of new visitors and the experience we provide. New users were disappointed by expecting Makuake to be a shopping experience similar to regular e-commerce. This made the first experience with Makuake a kind of tragedy.
I hesitate to buy an item at a regular price since I feel I'm having a loss.
- Purchased 3 times, 50’s
I never thought if the delivery was late. I need it as soon as possible.
- Purchased 1 time, 20’s

How new users
get disappointed

Define 🎯
Since we didn't have any content introducing us, as with "Makuake," I assumed it might cause this problem to worsen. So, we decided to create an onboarding experience from scratch on the website and on each app.The user research also shows that they are different situations for users between the website and apps. New users of the website just found out about Makuake due to its ads. Some of them had no idea what crowdfunding was and they doubted it. On the other hand, those who installed the mobile app are already using the website. Most are familiar with Makuake and are not worried about its credibility. They expect to find attractive new products soon. We should not give more explanations to users than they need.

New users on the website

During our analysis, we discovered that many new users were discovering Makuake through TV commercials. In light of this, we identified key objectives for our onboarding experience:

  • Simplify the understanding of crowdfunding process
  • Alleviate concerns related to purchasing items on Makuake
Explore 💡
I developed my concept into a digital low-fidelity wireframe. I then presented to the marketing team for feedback as I recognized the importance of the initial user experience in a product is deeply connected to marketing.We decided on a landing page for the website that would appear first when users search for "Makuake" on Google. I crafted content that specifically addressed users' pain points, making their experience smoother.
As the landing page is the first point of contact for Makuake users, I paid particular attention to the visual design.
Iteration 1
In an attempt to make a fresh impression on new users, I experimented with using green as the primary color. However, I found that it created a monotonous and dull look, lacking in excitement.
Iteration 2
I designed custom icons representing Makuake's popular categories, which bring a cheerful and playful vibe. However, I realized that this approach made the brand logo less noticeable.
Iteration 3
I arranged the icons in a pattern that draws the user's attention toward the logo first but keeps a playful vibe. I also opted for a pastel yellow background to create a welcoming atmosphere.
The weekly retention rate was improved by 2% (33%→35%)
Takeaways  💫
Collaboration leads to creating a better user experience.
By working with the marketing and PR teams, we were able to tie the TV commercial's impression to the onboarding experience, resulting in a seamless experience for new users, which positively impacted the retention rate of new users. I learned that working collaboratively with different teams can lead to a much better user experience than working solely with the product team.
Broad perspectives drive effective solutions.
This project taught me the importance of taking a broad perspective when identifying issues and examining the wider range of factors at play. By understanding the full picture, I was able to narrow down my focus to a landing page when it came time to brainstorm solutions that aligned with our goals. I now approach projects with a comprehensive mindset, ensuring that I address the broader context before delving into specific solutions.

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