Enhancing design consistency for a B2B system

User Research・UI Design

Patternstorage is a production control system in the apparel industry. I redesigned the screen layout while also considering aspects like color definition, fonts, and UI component organization to achieve a consistent and unified user interface.


The client faced challenges, such as users finding their existing services difficult to understand and lacking a consistent UI design. To address them, I identified existing screen issues, organized information structure, and designed screen layouts and UI elements while also considering aspects like color definition, fonts, and UI component organization to achieve a consistent and unified user interface. In spite of the short time slot, we efficiently designed screens that met complex business requirements and resulted in an easy-to-understand UI through close communication with the client.


UI Designer (Contract)


Design System, Website


Oct, 2022 - Nov, 2022 (2 months)


UX Designer, 2 members of clients

  • Users frequently expressed difficulty in understanding their existing services.
  • The client aspired to enhance their business by introducing new functions but lacked clarity on design and implementation.
Streamlining User Flow
Drawing from our in-depth exploration of the unique practices and procedures in the apparel industry, our team of UX designers meticulously identified crucial information to enhance user flow. Our approach surpassed existing functions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of user needs.
Screen Design with OOUI
Leveraging the Object-Oriented UI (OOUI) concept, we tailored the screen design to meet the specific requirements of apparel manufacturing. By focusing on objects, we crafted a highly adaptable application capable of seamlessly handling diverse scenarios encountered throughout the garment production process.
Unified Design Components
With a focus on creating a unified visual experience, we established clear guidelines for colors, fonts, and UI components deployed on the screen. These standards served as the foundation of our design system, empowering future service development through smooth reusability. We provided error cases and showcased examples of component usage to ensure seamless integration, even beyond project completion.
Takeaways  💫
Understanding Industry Context
It is crucial to delve into the unique practices and procedures of the apparel industry to capture the essence and incorporate it into the design process. By aligning the design with the user flow, we can ensure a seamless and intuitive experience for the users.
Value of Design System
Developing a comprehensive design system may require significant time and effort upfront, but it yields long-term benefits. Once established, the design system becomes a valuable asset that accelerates the design process, reduces redundancy, and maintains consistency throughout the project.

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